Call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of Island and Marine Studies on ‘The Future Role of Greenland’

Greenland’s ice sheet, a massive frozen reservoir, holds clues to our planet’s climatic past and future. Recent research indicates that Greenland has been losing ice at an accelerating rate, contributing significantly to global sea-level rise. This melting is not only a consequence of rising global temperatures but is also influenced by complex interactions between atmospheric circulation, albedo changes, and local environmental factors. The ice sheet’s rapid transformation serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to understand and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Beyond the ice, Greenland’s marine and terrestrial ecosystems are home to unique species, such as the narwhal, which are highly sensitive to environmental changes. The future of these species, and the communities that depend on them, is intertwined with the broader issue of sustainability. As industrial activities increase and traditional ways of life are challenged, finding a balance between economic development and environmental conservation is crucial.

In recent years, Greenland has also been a subject of geopolitical interest. The island’s strategic location and rich natural resources have attracted the attention of various nations, including the United States. While the proposal was met with widespread criticism and was ultimately dismissed by the Danish government, it highlighted the growing interest in Greenland’s potential as a geopolitical and economic asset. This incident underscores the need for a nuanced understanding of Greenland’s future role, taking into account not only environmental and social factors but also the broader geopolitical context.

In line with this theme, we welcome submissions on the following topics:

  • Climate change and ice sheet dynamic
  • Marine ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Sustainable development and economic opportunities
  • Cultural heritage and social consensus
  • Policy, governance, and international cooperation

This special issue will be published in the Journal of Island and Marine Studies (JIMS) (, but individual papers will be published online once they complete the peer review and editorial process. JIMS is a web-based, freely downloadable, open access, peer reviewed journal that publishes papers advancing and critiquing the study of issues affecting or involving islands and seas.

For further information or if you are interested in submitting a paper, contact the special issue co-editors (see below for contact emails). Manuscripts should be between 5,000 and 15,000 words and must be prepared in accordance with the JIMS submission guidelines:

All papers will be subject to double-blind peer review. Articles should be submitted electronically to *** *** and include four major sections: the cover letter, author biography, title page, structured abstract, research manuscript, references, etc. The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author(s) name, the institutional affiliation and keywords. Manuscripts should follow the JIMS style guide available on our website.

Finally, authors should enter the name of the special section ‘The Future Role of Greenland’ in the appropriate place in the submission form.

Published Papers

This special issue is now open for submission.

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 18 January 2028